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iFAMS has a powerful security system which allows you to define extremely detailed security restrictions on individual users, or groups of users. Security is many levels deep, controlling everything from table access down to individual fields and functions. With security, you can control:

With security, you can control:

  • Access to entire tables
  • Access to / display of tabs
  • Access to / display of fields
  • Access to entire menus
  • Access to menu items / functions
  • Editability of fields
  • Required fields when creating or editing a record
  • Filters to restrict data access within tables
  • Screen and grid layout
  • Which forms to use when printing Work Orders and Purchase Orders
  • Personalized shortcuts for each user's most frequent tasks
  • Many other settings to control access and user preferences

Maximum Flexibility

To give you maximum flexibility and ease of use when creating a security profile, you can start out with any of six default profiles, and either allow or lock out features based on that profile. For example, start out with the Guest profile, which does not allow any access, and then select the features you would like to allow access to. Or, start with the Administrator profile, which allows full access, and select which features to lock out.

Easy Setup

In order to make it easy to set up security for a large system, you may select a security profile as being a group profile, and then assign each actual user to that group. Once a user has been assigned to a group, you have the option of making additional individual adjustments to each user for complete flexibility.





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